Decorating Grave Sites During the Winter

Many people don't think about decorating the graves of loved ones during the winter months. Most prefer to wait until spring. Sometimes this is simply because it's cold outside, but often, it's because they aren't sure how to make a grave look nice during this dreary time of the year. Here are a few ideas that can spruce up a grave site when it's cold a gray outside. The best part is none of them require you to be outside for very long!

Winter Grave Decorating in Snowy Areas

winter headstone sprayIn areas of the Country that are prone to snow, decorating graves during the winter can be a bit more difficult. Flower arrangements can become buried in snow, and sometimes even destroyed by its weight.

If the headstone you are decorating is an upright stone, a headstone spray arrangement is by far your best option for flowers. Since sprays are made on metal saddles that sit on top of the stone, they will stay out of the snow, as long as accumulations aren't so deep as to bury the stone itself. (If you live in an area where snow accumulations do bury the headstone, you should just wait until spring.)

The flowers on the spray arrangement will catch an hold some of the snow, but it will blow off and melt off quicker than ground level arrangements. Additionally, you can lift the spray off the stone, turn it upside down, and give it a gentle shake to remove the snow.

Should your flowers (assuming they're artificial) be flattened by the weight of a heavy, wet snow, they can usually be fluffed back up to look good as new.

We also recommend buying flower arrangements that have bold colors so they stand out against the snow and show up well in gloomy skies.

Winter Grave Decorating Where There is Little or No Snow

winter cemetery vase arrangementIf you live in an area that has little or no snow during the winter, we recommend using white and lighter colored arrangements because they will contrast better when the background is brown grass, leafless trees, or gray skies.

You also have more options, such as vase arrangements, since you don't need to worry about them being buried in snow.

Regardless of what part of the Country you live in, artificial flower arrangements will look better for a much longer period of time than fresh flowers...especially in harsh weather conditions. For headstone sprays, we always recommend the use of a flower anchor to keep your arrangement secured to the through windy periods.

All of the products sold at Graveside Flowers are designed to withstand the elements, and bounce back from winter weather!

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