The Best Way to Attach Flowers to a Headstone

Placing an elegant flower arrangement on top of a headstone is a beautiful way to memorialize a loved one who has passed.  But how do you attach the flowers so they don't blow away in the first wind that rolls through the cemetery after you've place them?  You obviously don't want to have your flowers lost, but you also don't want to attach them in a fashion that looks bad or might damage the stone.

The headstone spray, which is a very popular style of grave site floral arrangement, can be placed on the ground atop the grave, on an easel next to the grave stone, or perched on top of the stone.  Of the three options, having the spray on top of the stone looks the best, and is how the arrangement was really intended to be displayed.

Most sprays are sold with a saddle that is made of coat hanger-like wire that is bent to fit over the top of the stone and hold it in place.  These saddles do a decent job of holding the flowers in place, but they can still be blown away if the wind gets strong.  The other issues with saddles is often times they look cheap, and if they're made from low-cost materials, can rust and leave rusty streaks running down the face of the stone.

We've also seen other strategies for attaching flowers that are quite crude, ineffective, and unattractive, such as the use of plastic wrap, duct tape, wire, zip ties, and fishing line.  While some of these strategies are quite creative and border on engineering marvels, they typically don't look very good.  Especially when you get close!

The Best Solution


Graveside Flowers sells a product that will anchor your flowers to a headstone in a way that is completely hidden from view, won't damage the stone, will hold up to a strong wind, is made from aluminum, so it won't rust...and doesn't cost that much more than a roll of duct tape. This innovative headstone flower arrangement anchor (pictured to the right) retails for just $14.99 and makes a perfect, and permanent, solution to the problem of securing flowers on top of a grave marker.



To buy one for yourself, click on the following link: 


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The video is several years old and depicts an older version of the anchor. The photos on the product page (where you made the purchase) show our current, easier to use version of the anchor. We had too many complaints about the need for assembly, so we re-designed the anchor to make it simpler.

Graveside Flowers

The anchor I received and the anchor in the short film that I thought I was ordering are different?


I put a plastic pipe about 1/2 inch in size about 6 inches long in the ground beside the stone deep enough they can now over it but will still hold the flowers OK


I have been battling theft of the floral saddles I place on my daughter’s gravestone for years. It is expensive and my desire to always have beautiful flowers for her has become so devastating. It is sad enough that she is no longer with me, but this is cruel and heartbreaking. Any ideas? I’m thinking of an electric shock or a note threatening criminal action? Or, a camera with a note? How crude this would all be. The evil of people is overwhelming. Thanks for listening. If you have any ideas, Obviously I am open. Lynne J

Lynne Johnson

On the vases you all sell could you not put 2 or 3 winged bolt screws thru the sides with a flat plate inside to secure the flowers in the vase? This would be similar to a Christmas tree stand. Just a thought for Miss Penny Nichols situation

Brian Keller

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